What the Maintenance of Certification (MOC)

cost you and your practice in time & money?

Dr Juliette Madrigal-Dersch MD

I went to medical school to take care of the ones that count.
Not to take unnecessary tests that
don’t help my patients or my practice.

Below is the time and money Dr Madrigal-Dersch spent on going through the MOC once.

This was the actual cost to Dr Madrigal-Dersch practice the the MOC.

Time to complete MOC in Dr Madrigal-Dersch’s office,

150 Hours
– Studying, testing etc.

30+ Hours – Staff Time (collecting data, imputing forms, talking with patients.
50 Hours – For patients to compete forms for MOC data.

  • time I was not able to spend with my family on trips,
  • time I was not able to spend with my patients,
  • time I will never get back.

Note: Data collected is actually used by pharmaceutical companies to identify areas
for new areas for possible drugs and increase profits.

Learn more about the “Right to Care” Petition Click Here

Watch Dr Madrigal-Dersch explain the costs in time, money and why she is against the MOC.

Spread the word to other doctors you know. As Rhode Island Doctors we are all here to help our profession and our patients.
Consider donating $100 or more and signing our petition, let use know your thoughts on the MOC along with your specialty.

Some say that if the MOC is passed and made a requirement, there will be more and more testing requirements added
just to do the
same patient care we’ve been doing for years without the MOC,


More time, more money, more paperwork will it ever end?


Everyone’s time
is valuable,
patients, family etc.

Help support us by donating.
This will help pay for this
website, mailings,
overhead expenses and
lobbyist to help us fight for
our rights.

Donations of
$100, $250, $500, $750, $1000
All amounts are welcome.
